Channel Controller

IRD-200, Revision H

Installation and Operating Instructions




Set your remote’s address to 2 in order to communicate with the Channel Controller (IRD-200). Leave your EchoStar receiver set to address 1.

Set your remote’s address to 2 in order to communicate with the Channel Controller (IRD-200). Leave your EchoStar receiver set to address 1. You can use the IRD-200 with any EchoStar receiver. Although the IRD-200 can be used with any EchoStar remote, we encourage you to use an addressable remote. If you have to use a non-addressable remote, please see mounting instructions. The IRD-200 comes pre-loaded with channels 920–979.




Quick Start Instructions

  1. Set your remote’s address to 2.
  2. Mount the IRD-200 receiver. See Installation and Mounting.
  3. Plug the IRD-200 into a power outlet.
  4. See Basic operation.



Table of Contents


Adding Channels.

Removing Channels.

Changing Function Values.

IRD-200 Function Menu.

Displaying Function Values.

IRD-200 Display Menu.

Function 0: Quick Channel Load.

Functions 1 and 2: Unit ID Assignment

Function 3: Periodic/Power-Up Refresh.

Function 4: Slow Receivers.

Function 5: Pass-Through Mode.

Function 7: Remote Address.

Function 8: IR Transmit Address.

Installation Tips.

Installation and Mounting.

Basic Operation.

Advanced Operation.


PMP’s IRD-200 provides a visual interface that allows you to select channels on an EchoStar receiver. You can use any EchoStar remote to control the IRD-200, which relays commands to the receiver. The IRD-200 displays satellite channel numbers from a pre-loaded or customized list. The IRD-200 comes with 60 pre-loaded channels (920-979). You can store as many as 120 channels in the IRD-200’s nonvolatile memory. By activating the IRD-200’s Learn Mode, you can not only customize your channel list but also change the unit’s function values ( see the IRD-200 Function Menu ).

Adding Channels

  1. Point the remote at the IRD-200 and press to enter Learn Mode. Flashing decimal points will appear on the display.
    If your remote does not have a key, press and in rapid succession to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Enter the new channel number. A four-digit channel number must be preceded by the key.
  3. Press to add the entry to the channel list.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you’ve finished adding channels to your list.
  5. Press to exit Learn Mode.

Removing Channels

  1. Point the remote at the IRD-200 and press to enter Learn Mode. Flashing decimal points will appear on the display.
    If your remote does not have a key, pressand in rapid succession to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Enter the channel number to be removed, or use the Up/Down Arrow keys to display the channel to be removed.
  3. Press to remove the entry from the channel list.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you’ve finished removing channels from your list.
  5. Press to exit Learn Mode.
If you have many channels to remove, consider using the Quick Channel Load.

Changing Function Values

To change the value of an IRD-200 function:
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then enter the number of the function you wish to change. The current function value will be displayed.
  3. Enter the new function value.
  4. Press to save your entry (or press to quit).
  5. Press to exit Learn Mode.


IRD-200 Function Menu



Quick Channel Load

0, 30, or 60



Two-Digit Unit ID

1 or 2



Unit ID Number

0-9 or 00-99



Refresh Rate




Slow Modes




Pass-Through Enable

0 or 1



Reserved for Future Function




IRD-200’s Receive Address




IRD-200’s Transmit Address




Program receiver Address



Displaying Function Values

To display the value of an IRD-200 function:
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then enter the number of the function you wish to display. The current function value will be displayed.
  3. Press to exit Learn Mode.

IRD-200 Display Menu




Display Firmware Version


Two-Digit Unit ID Enabled


Unit ID Number


Refresh Rate


Slow Modes


Pass-Through Enabled


Reserved for Future Function


IRD-200’s Receive Address (set remote to this address)


IRD-200’s Transmit Address (set receiver to this address)

Function 0: Quick Channel Load

Note: The Quick Channel Load resets all of the IRD-200’s functions to the default values shown in the Function Menu. The channel ranges are 0, for an empty channel list; 30, for channels 950-979; and 60, for channels 920-979.Example: To program the IRD-200 for 60 channels:
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then .
  3. Enter (for channels 920-979).
  4. Press to begin programming, or press to quit.

Functions 1 and 2: Unit ID Assignment

An IRD-200 may be assigned one of 99 Unit IDs, so a single remote can control multiple receivers. Function 1 sets the number of digits to use in the Unit ID; Function 2 sets the Unit ID itself.

To make the IRD-200 addressable (Single-Digit IDs):

  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then .
  3. Enter the Unit ID Number (1-9).
  4. Press to save the entry.
  5. Press to exit Learn Mode.
To make a IRD-200 addressable (Two-Digit IDs):

First enable two-digit Unit IDs by setting Function 1 to 2.

  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then .
  3. Press to enable two-digit IDs.
  4. Press to save the entry.
Then set the Unit ID as follows:
  1. Press , then .
  2. Enter the ID number (01-99).
  3. Press to save the entry.
  4. Press to exit Learn Mode.
Note: Setting the Unit ID to 0 or 00 makes the IRD-200 non-addressable (factory default).

IMPORTANT: When an IRD-200 has been assigned a Unit ID, it will always power up and reset in the deactivated state. When deactivated, the IRD-200 will respond only the key (to display the Unit ID), and the key (to display and change the currently active IRD-200). When the IRD-200 returns from Learn Mode, it is in a deactivated state. Press , then to activate the unit. The IRD-200 will remain activated until it is powered down, reset, or until another controller is activated.

Function 3: Periodic/Power-Up Refresh

The Periodic Refresh Function ensures that the receiver does not lose its channel setting. By default, the IRD-200 refreshes the receiver’s channel setting every six minutes. You can customize the IRD-200's refresh rate. Users of video applications should note that a view banner will appear on-screen for about five seconds during each refresh operation; these users might want to turn off the Periodic Refresh Functionby entering a refresh rate value of 10 in the following procedure (labeled "To change the IRD-200's Refresh Rate"). If you set the refresh rate to 10, the receiver’s refresh operation will be limited to a one-time Power-Up Refreshthat occurs four minutes after the IRD-200 is plugged in. This four-minute delay allows time for the receiver to reacquire its satellite signal.

To change the IRD-200’s Refresh Rate:

  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then .
  3. Enter the value (00-19) corresponding to the desired refresh rate and Power Up Refresh setting. The default value is 09 = Power Up Refresh Off, Periodic Refresh every 6 minutes.
  4. Press to exit Learn Mode.

Power Up Refresh

Periodic Refresh Values
24 hrs.
12 hrs.
6 hrs.
3 hrs.
90 mins.
45 mins.
22 mins.
12 mins.
6 mins.
09 default



Function 4: Slow Receivers

Some older receivers cannot function at the rate at which IRD-200 commands are transmitted. By default, the IRD-200 transmits at its slowest rate. Function 4 can be set from 0 (for newer receivers) to 3 (for older, slower receivers).
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then .
  3. Enter for a Model 301, or enter for an older receiver.
  4. Press to exit Learn Mode.

Function 5: Pass-Through Mode


Note: The IRD-200’s Pass-Through Mode is enabled by default.

It is sometimes necessary to access receiver functions that are normally blocked by the IRD-200. Using a remote, you can bypass the IRD-200 in order to directly communicate with your receiver; to do so, use the Pass-Through Mode as follows:
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then .
  3. Enter to enable or to disable Pass-Through Mode.
  4. Press VIEW to save your entry.
  5. Press to exit Learn Mode.

Using Pass-Through Mode

To use this feature in the normal operating mode, press and in rapid succession; the IRD-200 will respond by displaying three dashes. Every remote command will now be passed through to the receiver.

Resuming Normal Operation

To resume normal operation, press .

Powering the Receiver On and Off

You can send the POWER command directly to the receiver by pressing the and keys in rapid succession.

Function 7: Remote Address

Function 7 controls the address at which the IRD-200 receives commands from the remote. In its default setting, the IRD-200 receives commands from the remote at address 2 and sends commands to the receiver at address 1. This addressing scheme prevents the receiver from accepting simultaneous commands from the IRD-200 and the remote.
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then press .
  3. Enter the new address (01-16).
  4. Press to save your entry.
  5. Press to exit Learn Mode.

Function 8: IR Transmit Address

Function 8 controls the address the IRD-200 uses to communicate with the receiver. Normally this value does not have to be changed.
  1. Press to enter Learn Mode.
  2. Press , then press .
  3. Enter the new address (01–16).
  4. Press to save your entry. (The IRD-200 can now program the receiver.)
You can assign the IRD-200 a new transmit address regardless of the receiver’s current address. To assign a new transmit address, make sure that the IRD-200 is mounted on the receiver and that the receiver is turned ON.
  1. Press , then press .
  2. Press to begin programming the receiver with the new address. This takes about a minute; please wait until the letter “P” stops flashing.
  3. Press to exit Learn Mode. (The IRD-200 resumes normal operation.)

Installation Tips

Ensuring Trouble-Free Operation

The receiver should accept commands from the IRD-200, not from the remote. This mode of communication can be implemented in either of two ways: (1) by using an addressable remote and an IRD-200 in its default configuration or (2) by using the appropriate mask and mount for the receiver. In the first approach, the receiver ignores all remote commands on the basis of address. In the second approach, a physical barrier blocks the receiver’s access to remote commands. PMP Systems encourages the use of an addressable remote with the IRD-200.

Rack Management Features

Unit IDs (from 00 to 99) provide flexibility for sites with multiple receivers. Unit IDs can be assigned by CATV channel number to simplify receiver identification and control (see Unit ID Assignment ).

Power-Up Refresh

This feature recalls the receiver’s channel setting after a power outage (see Power Up Refresh ).

Select All

This feature recalls the channel settings for all receivers in a system simultaneously (see Select_All ).

Video Installations

By default, the IRD-200 refreshes the receiver’s channel number every six minutes. This causes the view banner to appear on the video display. Slowing down or turning off the Periodic Refresh will prevent this display (see Periodic Refresh ). You can use the Power-Up Refresh feature instead of the Periodic Refresh. When Power-Up Refresh is enabled, the IRD-200 will wait four minutes after a power interruption, then perform a full-channel reselect. The four-minute delay allows the receiver to regain its signal after being powered down.

Newer Receivers

On newer receivers, the Slow Modes Function setting may be reduced or turned off. For example, on Model 301 receivers, the value of Function 4 may be set to 0 (see Slow Receivers ).

Lighting Interference

Some types of lighting (especially full-spectrum lighting and direct sunlight) may interfere with the IR reception of the IRD-200. If lighting interference becomes a problem, shade the IRD-200’s IR window from the offending light source to improve performance.

Day-Parting Receivers

The IRD-200 will periodically retune the receiver, overriding the Day-Part feature. To use the IRD-200 with Day-Parting receivers, set the IRD-200’s refresh rate to 0. (See Periodic/Power-Up Refresh .)

Installation and Mounting

There are two strategies for mounting the IRD-200 to the satellite receiver.

1. When used with an Addressable remote:Secure the IRD-200 to the front of the receiver, using the provided double-sided foam tape. Be careful to position the IRD-200 over the satellite receiver’s IR window. Do not cover the IR transmitter on the back of the IRD-200.    2. When used with a Non-Addressable remote: When a non-addressable remote is used, there must be an optical isolation between the commands the remote sends to the IRD-200 and the commands the IRD-200 sends to the receiver. PMP Systems makes several types of isolating masks to work with different receivers. For receivers with a Plexiglas cover over the IR window, PMP Systems recommends that you use an addressable remote.

Mount for Model 301 Receivers

A V-shaped plastic wedge mount is available for the 301 receivers. This works equally well for either addressable or non-addressable remotes; an adequate light seal is virtually assured. Peel off the protective strip from the back, align the hole with the center light pipe on the front of the receiver, and press the mount into place. Then peel off the protective strip from the front of the mount, align the transmit hole on the back of the IRD-200 with the center light pipe of the receiver, and press the IRD-200 into place.

Power Connection

An AC wall adapter is provided. Plug the adapter into the bottom of the display, then plug the cable into a 110-Volt AC power source (INDOOR USE ONLY).

Basic Operation

On power-up, the IRD-200 briefly displays the number of available channels. It then switches the receiver to the last channel it had accessed before it was powered down.


The display shows the current channel number. Four-digit channel numbers are displayed with the three least significant digits visible and the lower right decimal point lit. To display the leftmost digit, press the key.

Changing Channels

Use the Arrow keys to scroll through the channel list. Pausing on the desired channel number or pressing causes the IRD-200 to switch the receiver to the displayed channel. You can directly access a channel by entering the channel number from the remote’s numeric keypad. As soon as you enter the third digit of a valid channel number, the receiver will switch to that channel. If you enter an invalid channel number, the display will flash briefly, then the receiver will return to the previously selected channel. You must press the key before entering a four-digit channel number. One- and two-digit numbers may be entered either by entering leading zeros or by entering the digits and pressing . Press the key to switch to the previously selected channel.


The key forces the IRD-200 and the receiver to re-synchronize the channel number; this can be useful if the receiver becomes stuck in an unknown state.


When using the Arrow keys to scroll through the channel list, or when using the remote’s numeric keypad to enter channel numbers directly, you may stay on your currently selected channel by pressing .

Advanced Operation

Addressing Multiple Receivers

In multi-receiver installations, each IRD-200/Receiver combination is assigned a Unit ID. Prior to changing channels or performing any other operation, you must activate the receiver. Note: If your site uses two-digit Unit IDs, you must enter both digits to activate a receiver.

Activating a Receiver

Press , then enter the Unit ID number displayed on the IRD-200 you wish to use. The activated IRD-200 will flash briefly.

Displaying Unit IDs

Pressing causes each IRD-200 to display its Unit ID number. The active receiver’s ID will flash. Pressing and or and deselects all IRD-200s.

Select All

Pressing , then causes all receivers in a multi-receiver configuration to re-synchronize their respective channels, so you don’t have to reselect each receiver individually.